School News

Happy New Year - 2020!!!

- Jan 14, 2020      Archive

We thank all our students and our school's patrons, who have referred their friends and real estate licensees to our real estate licensing programs.  We also appreciate all the students over the years, who attended our school and allowed us to publish on our website their testimonials regarding their experience with our licensing programs.

Success in any business gets back to the behind the scenes staff that work daily to help our students and our company to be successful.  We have been honored and are proud to have a staff that has served our company for years.

Steele Burgess (16 years with Cooke) - Email, Servers, Phone System, Video Presentations and Computers
Mark Jennings (15 years with Cooke) - Students' Services, Purchasing and Shipping
Ben McCrary (14 years with Cooke) - Learning Management System, Website Development and SEO
Susan Jones (7 years with Cooke) - Registrar handling General Inquiries, Registrations, Course Completions and Facebook

Plus, we are so lucky to have a great group of instructors and presenters that have helped our students find success over the 48 years Cooke has been educating real estate agents to find success in the wonderful world of the real estate profession.


Frank L. Cooke, Jr and Beth C. Cooke